KADETSKO PRVENSTVO EUROPE U SARAJEVU Trojica mladih Hrvata u ponedjeljak, 16. VIII. bore se u četvrtfinalima za europske medalje
KADETSKO PRVENSTVO EUROPE Bernard Grgić osigurao prvu medalju za Hrvatsku u Sarajevu!
16/08/2021Poštovane članice i članovi HBS-a,
Svjetska boksačka federacija AIBA poziva sve zainteresirane na web-seminar o zdravim dodacima prehrani sportaša.
Interaktivni seminar održat će se u srijedu, 25. kolovoza od 14 do 15.30 sati, a u originalnom AIBA-nom pozivu u nastavku maila nalazi se link za prijavu, kao i navedeni predavači.
Dear National Federations,
In view of ITA and AIBA collaboration, we are pleased to invite you for an interactive session on Nutrition and Dietary Supplements.
Due to popular demand, we are delighted to bring this topic back for the second time. Joining our live panel are two world-leading experts, Professor Ron Maughan and Professor Louise Burke, both of whom are Directors of the IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition. As always, we will also welcome an athlete guest to share their perspective.
This panel of experts will answer some of our most frequently received questions and address your inquiries live. We are leaving plenty of time for the Q&A during this session in order to be able to address as many questions on nutrition and supplements as possible.
We are very pleased to deliver these webinars in English with simultaneous translation to four additional languages – Arabic (العربي), Spanish (español), French (français) and Russian(русский).
Topic: Nutrition and Dietary Supplements – Your Questions Answered
Registration link:
Event date: Wednesday 25 August, 14:00-15:30 CET
Professor Ron Maughan, University of St Andrews and Director, IOC Diploma program – Sports Nutrition
Professor Louise Burke, Australian Catholic University and Director, IOC Diploma program – Sports Nutrition
Moderator: Mairi Irvine, ITA Education Officer
We look forward to seeing you again online soon.
Best regards,
AIBA Head Office
International Boxing Association
Maison du Sport International
1007 Lausanne | Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 321 27 77